
Votes & Volatility: Analyzing the Impact of Politics on Stock Market Behavior

The current political season indicates a choice between Trump and Biden for the upcoming election. Despite the curiosity surrounding their potential impact on the economy and stock market, we at Altrius believe that the resilient American economy will continue to flourish irrespective of political leadership. The success of prominent international […]

Are You Worried about our Nation’s Future and Capitalism?

I recently received an email from an old friend and client expressing concerns about our nation’s future and the stability of capitalism.  Negative articles and distressing news on television seem to dominate the narrative, overshadowing the tremendous good happening in our nation and the world. When I find myself pondering […]

Are Luxury Watches, Wine and Art Good Investments?

When my father passed away almost nineteen years ago, my mother purchased a Rolex watch for my brother and me as a commemoration of his life.  Over a weekend in New York City a month or two ago, I was listening to a financial advisor (he and his partner are […]

Unveiling the Parallels: The Public Equity Market Now and the Dot-Com 2000s

Depending on who you speak to the stock market, at times, can be a wonderfully efficient and rational market, or it can be a terribly confusing and irrational landscape filled with gamblers and speculators. While we do not like to cast such definitive judgements on market cycles, we do find […]

Thoughts on Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Past debt ceiling negotiations in previous years have followed a similar pattern in that the market remains volatile until Congress eventually realizes the importance of paying the bills for the expenses it has already passed into law.  That said, each negotiation is different though this time, both parties have acknowledged […]

Indexing is the Fast Food of Investing

We’ve all been there. It was a long day at work, meetings ran later than you expected, and you didn’t have time to go food shopping, let alone find a recipe and cook, so you fire up your trusty app, Door Dash, to have dinner delivered to you. Maybe it […]

Slowing Down and Thinking Critically: Lessons from Altrius and Bow Hunting

Before I officially started at Altrius, I found myself reading a copy of “Invest Like An Aardvark” on a shockingly warm December day. I turned the page to the second chapter and read something that has been stuck in my mind like super glue ever since, “Investors should be buying […]

History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Does Often Rhyme

We are doing a great deal of research regarding the current bank crisis understanding it is imperative we get it right in positioning our clients to weather a potential storm. We of course have been through such tumult before having navigated previous recessions and approximate 50% selloffs of the market […]

My Opinion on Gold and Gold Coins

Historically, an ounce of gold has equated to the price of a nice men’s suit. Gold, which is approaching $2,000, will today still buy you a quality suit unless you desire a more expensive Italian import or shop for a Canali on eBay like I do, where you can find […]